Monday, October 31, 2016

presidentail candidates most lives up to the teachings of confucius

I don't believe that none of the presidential candidates live up to the confucious teaching. In confucious he to able to teach balance and how important it is in life.Donald Trump is not a ggood person in my opinion he doesn't have balance or harmony in his life at all. Hilary Cilton on the other hand has some what good blance in her life she is not very trustworthy but a way better person than trump.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Role of opposites in the Daodejing

The role of opposites in Daodejing is that opposites attracts. that has  been a true statement ever since I could remember . The chapter help us to grasp a understanding that things that are oppostite they still have the ability to balance one another. You cannot exist without the other ,an example of this is Water and Fire . You need water to put out fires . the water steals' heat from the fuel when evaporating, and thus lowers the temperature, making it more difficult or impossible for the fuel to burn. it is an endless cycle  

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Two of your colleagues' position about the war in Syria.

Alexius Carter felt that the U.S went to war to show their dedication. Jaylen Pope think america is the world police and that this country need to stay in our own business.  also she says that we put ourselves in the war dealing with the Syrian crisis . i feel like the war took place because they could not come to common ground and agree to one thing

Monday, October 10, 2016

addressing the justness of the US war in Syria

The war in Syria has been been going on for over 5 years. it has been a really hard fight between soldiers who support the president of Syria, Bashar Al-Assad but others feel he shouldn't have power anymore. our country is really bad at minding our own business. "Thus always chastening himself the yogi's mind,subdued,knows peace , whose farthest point is cession; thereafter, he abides in me (740)." when it comes to Syrian Crisis I think all war is unnecessary

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Change in yourself, becoming someone or something else.

 Every day I try to change for the better being more positive and learning better ways to speak my mind than to go off on somebody. the older i get the more information I learn. I never been the shy type since middle school I have always said whatever was on my mind and I never sugarcoat either. as I get older I am wiser too and I know that everybody cant handle the truth so the more I experience with people the better because I know you have to talk to everyone different. Ill always be myself and I wont change for nobody but myself

connections between Pygmalion and Ex Machina

Pymalion and Ex Machina are very similar in how both of the main characters fall in love with nonhuman things. the goal of Ex machina is to really see if the robot ava is really as smart as she think also a man falls in love with this robot created by man and for pygmalion is wanting to transform unpolished girl into a duchess and this man loves his statue that he sculpted. Although we know these objects don't have real emotions, throughout the play they start to show a little emotion either real or not.