Sunday, November 27, 2016

Colleagues' post that chose a different character

Jaylen pope would compare hamlet to Gilgamesh. she said they are alike because they both were struggling with the lost of somebody close. she uses the quote " With which she followed my poor fathers body,like Niobe,all tears". Cassie Ingle wouldn't compare hamlet to anyone to any other charter because she thinks hamlet is very powerful and intriguing. I agree with them both in a sense that hamlet is very powerful and shouldn't be compared to anyone and he could sometimes be compared to Gilgamesh.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Hamlet to another character that we have read this term who is most like Hamlet.

Another character that would be similar to hamlet is gilgamesh because they both lose somebody close to them.gilgamesh lost his bestfriend "Endiku" and halmet lost his father . by losing these very close people in there lives made them start to question everything

Thursday, November 10, 2016

colleagues post

Jaylen thinks that hilary clinton has the most ethical standard because she seems to care about the people unlike donald trump only thinks of himself thats why he has situtioanl ethics. Malik Toomer says he would choose donald trump becuase he would rather be feared than loved so he wants them to trust the process

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Presidential Candidate

Hilary Clinton has the most ethical standard becuase she cares about the well being of america. Trump on the other hand is a very weak person he is only here to get himself in a higher postion to make our lives hell. alot of his speeches talk about Obama and how he can so call make america great again.even though Obama made more progress than any united states perisent every has. Soo donald trump would be the most situtional ethics.