Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Vaule of APA and MLA

Difference between APA and MLA is the simple fact when it comes to writing a research paper. APA and MLA are two major styles of writing research papers. They are not the same. There are many  differences between the two styles. So, if you do not know the difference between the two, and what each style has as its difference . MLA style is applicable in writing research papers connected with humanities and arts. On the other hand, APA style is employed while writing research papers related to social sciences.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Sloppy vs Neat people

I agree with the statement from the brief Bedford reader "neat people are lazier and meaner than sloppy people". because neat people anyways  have to have a place for something . its never oh just put it any where  neat people don't care about how long it mite take it just about the results in the end . with sloppy people we live in Never -Never land  everything we have just can go where ever we want it to go but some days we feel like being clean and that's the day Everything gets clean .

Monday, September 21, 2015

My wiki topic

My wiki topic is about Registered nurses and I picked that topic because that's what I want my career when I graduate from MGSU.  and I want to know as much as possible about nursing so I can be more compatible when it comes to getting in the nursing program in my junior and senior years mat MGSU. if I know more ill be the one of the people they really want in the program.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Gay marrige

Gay marriage is a BEAUTIFUL THING I feel as though that is should have been legal for a long time now but a lot of people don't think that gay people in this world shouldn't be able to get married or even call it marriage because older people feel like marriage is a union between a man & a woman (Adam & eve) like in the bible . not a man & a man or a woman & woman .  to me its all good and makes it peoples life better because there not trying to be somebody else. people that choose to be gay say its there  "gay lifestyle" so you have to let people live there life to the fullest.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

How my doc1 handles its thesis

My Doc 1 handles its thesis by telling what my paper will talk about. It introduces the paper and catches the readers attention. It makes the reader want to keep reading to create a professional online image. The thesis makes the readers think about how their profile image tells there employer whether they will be good or bad.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

How to handle a reader in my doc1

Well I only had a couple people read my doc1 one which was Mr.hamon and the group that was assigned our paper . the way I handle there comments was simple all I did was read every single thing they said about my doc 1 and either I agreed with the comment and fixed it or I didn't agree so I marked resolved .my reasons for that is that its my paper and me and my group determined how that paper will turn out and what ending product we would like Mr.hamon to be reading .

Monday, September 14, 2015

How to handle an reader on wikipedia

You handle a reader on Wikipedia very simply.  if someone comments on an Wikipedia article and the site doesn't not agree or think that the comment is on topic with what the article is about. then they will simply delete the comment. Wikipedia readers take there articles very seriously so if someone  just goes up there writing things . the crazy comments they made will be off in now time.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

My Doc 1

The things i have learned from writing my doc 1 was simply how to communicate with your group . what they want the main focus of the paper to be then what u would like the main purpose to be and knowing how to combine them and make it into a great paper. And once you learn great communicate skills you end up getting an great grade on your paper.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

wirting as learnign tools

As learning tools, writing exercises are valuable because they help students think critically about course material while encouraging them to grasp, organize, and integrate prior knowledge with new concepts. Furthermore, good communication skills are valuable assets both in and out of the classroom. When instructors provide students with opportunities to organize ideas and improve their ability to articulate those ideas, they contribute to both the education and professional development of their students.