Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Introducing Of Me

Hello classmate Babies I call everybody my baby so ! My name is Monicia Andrews, but my friends just call me Nici or CoCo . I Want to become a register nurse with a specialization in radiology , so hopefully I make straight A's. I'm a really cool person with a very loud laugh but you learn to love it and I like R&B music! Love India Arie and Hip-hop. I love piercing! aka why I have so many.  I am a loud person and a person who loves to "turn up".  I speak my mind and whoever doesn't like what I say oh well because I am entitled to my opinion. I am a person who does not sugar co things at all and sometimes that's bad when it comes to somebodies feeling but hey I would rather them know the truth than get played or lied to . so with that being said that's all about me, I look forward to getting through this class with you guys and leaving out with A's.

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