Sunday, September 25, 2016

the tragic figure in the posts of 2 colleagues

Jaylen pope has not went through any tragic events in her life, but she told us that her aunt is suffering with breast cancer and its really taking a toll on her aunt and their family . she also told how her aunt need to move in with her grandmother to have that extra help and support for a love one. Thomas smith tragic story was that his cousin and one of his friend  was a part of a gang. his cousin was sentenced to 20 years in prison and his close friend was trying to start a new life but sadly he was shot because he didn't want to be apart of that life anymore.“Death must be so beautiful. To lie in the soft brown earth, with the grasses waving above one’s head, and listen to silence. To have no yesterday, and no to-morrow. To forget time, to forget life, to be at peace.”
—Oscar Wilde, The Canterville Ghost

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

tragic Story !

I am very thankful everyday i wake up and i am able to live another day of what we call life. god blesses me every time i am able to get in my car drive wherever and make it back safe and unharmed. the only tragic story that has recently happened to my godmother's cousin passed away she was driving on the high way and lost control of her car and the car went over the edge of a ramp. that has to be the saddest crazest thing i every heard .

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

my view on Enuma elish Wikipedia

Things i would add the this wiki topic would be the real meaning behind the seven tablets and they are trying to tell us . im going to use epic to add more about babylon just make it better  because Users may be reading information that is outdated or that has been posted by someone who is not an expert in the field or by someone who wishes to provide misinformation.

Friday, September 9, 2016

compare/contrast your definition of hero to 2 new colleagues

Hughes, Antoinette said Hillary Clinton would be the best candidate for America because She has a lot of heroic ways about herself. She willing to do what ever it takes to make America great. Malik toomer said Hillary Clinton is a hero because she  has been criticized as being a radical feminist who prefers the board room to the kitchen. he believes She is a very intelligent, strong-willed feminist. then he goes on and says She was the first student commencement speaker at Wellesley, part of the first wave of women to go to law school, a prominent partner in a major law firm, and rated one of the top 100 lawyers in the country etc. he was naming some of her academic accomplishments in my opinion to both of them Hillary Clinton is a OK person but i don't think neither her or Donald Trump are fit for the white house and everything that comes with it . just because she did went to law school and became partner that's all fine and dandy but that is nothing compared to running a whole country.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Why either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump are modern heroes

In my opinion i don't believe either one of them are heroes. they both have done messed up things and they don't have squeaky clean past. neither of them have done any things for our country. Donald trump so call wants to make america but at the same time insults the African- american race the most he has honestly done is donated tons of money to people and communities and money doesn't make you a hero.Hillary Clinton is very dishonest so you cant believe anything she says. in the end if i had to choose one i would choose Hillary because i feel he does in someway have America best interest at heart.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Colleagues views about the psychology of eroticism

Jaylen views on eroticism were that  back in the ancient times they used paintings, stories, and regarding the psychology of different characters. When  she read some of the poems I saw eroticism where it talks about lust, love, and fantasizing about someone looks. "My heart thirsts to see her beauty, as I am seated at home with her". Malik Toomer views on eroticism  were Pyramids, mummies, tombs, and other icons of aristocracy and the afterlife dominate our images of ancient Egypt. But love poems composed thousands of years ago may provide a more intimate glimpse of the lives of everyday ancient Egyptians.-The Great Richard parkison once said "Poetry is perhaps the greatest forgotten treasure of ancient Egypt" . In my opinion i think they are both right in their on way because it is some many ways to interpret poems  from ancient times.