Friday, September 9, 2016

compare/contrast your definition of hero to 2 new colleagues

Hughes, Antoinette said Hillary Clinton would be the best candidate for America because She has a lot of heroic ways about herself. She willing to do what ever it takes to make America great. Malik toomer said Hillary Clinton is a hero because she  has been criticized as being a radical feminist who prefers the board room to the kitchen. he believes She is a very intelligent, strong-willed feminist. then he goes on and says She was the first student commencement speaker at Wellesley, part of the first wave of women to go to law school, a prominent partner in a major law firm, and rated one of the top 100 lawyers in the country etc. he was naming some of her academic accomplishments in my opinion to both of them Hillary Clinton is a OK person but i don't think neither her or Donald Trump are fit for the white house and everything that comes with it . just because she did went to law school and became partner that's all fine and dandy but that is nothing compared to running a whole country.

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