Thursday, October 29, 2015

My Favorite childhood games : Red light/Green light

In this game, one person plays the "stop light" and the rest try to touch him/her.
At the start, all the children form a line about 15 feet away from the stop light. The stop light faces away from the line of kids and says "green light". At this point the kids are allowed to move towards the stoplight. At any point, the stop light may say "red light!" and turn around. If any of the kids are caught moving after this has occurred, they are out. Play resumes when the stop light turns back around and says "green light". The stop light wins if all the kids are out before anyone is able to touch him/her. Otherwise, the first player to touch the stop light wins the game and earns the right to be "stop light" for the next game.
this is my favorite game!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

how i feel today..

i feel horrible my back is killing me and I don't know what s wrong its been hurting all morning and my stomach has been hurting to and I took meds and that still didn't help how im feeling I want to go home. and I have math class at 3:30 I just don't know if my body will be up for it today

Monday, October 26, 2015

a conflict i have with my Pawpaw (my granddad)

The thing about my pawpaw is he nice some days mean the other and I don't really mess with people that act that way because its doing to much in my opinion. either you gone be nice to me all the time or not at all.  he don't know how to just be nice I really believe that he is bipolar or his old age is just getting to him. for example : at my grand mom house I go in the kitchen and get whatever I please at any time . okay with that being said I think something goes off within him to tell him that somebody is in the kitchen. I promise you every time anybody not just me anybody walks in there . here he come down the stairs yelling asking who in the kitchen and talking about we always eating up all the food blah blah blah but on the other hand he be the main one in there but don't nun of us care about it like he does . then 2 hours later he will come and ask you if you want some to eat like BOY YOU DONT GONE!!!! 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

when i get mad...

so when im mad you will know right off the bat because I will either send you short responses back or sometimes I mite not say  anything back and turn my phone off so u cant keep texting and calling me . I feel as though if im mad let me cool down before u try to start telling me your side of the story because I could really care less about any and everything you are saying when im still mad its going in one ear coming out the other .if you keep talking to me I am going to start crying because now im starting to boil on the inside and you about to have this size 8 1\2 right where you don't want it . PERIOD  .. THANKS FOR READING !!!!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Things I Learned About My Wiki Topic

These are the different type of this RN do:

  • Monitor Patients
  • Follow Treatment Plans
  • Administer Treatment
  • Perform Tests
  • Record Keeping
  • Educate and Support
  • Non-Patient Care

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

My favorite madea play!

my favorite play of all time is madea goes to jail: the play !!  I just wanted to say that Madea goes to Jail, is a very funny,thigh slapping, life changing play. It blessed my heart so much and I love the ad lib that Tyler perry did when he went out of character into his real self and then went right back into Madea. By far, this is Tyler perry's best play yet, the scratch of the surface, we have not seen anything yet, his best work his yet to come. He is such a gifted, talented actor, writer, producer, and Director, I thank God for his life because his plays and movies are life changing, there is always the underline theme in every play and movie, which is forgiveness. We should all forgive regardless of what has ever been done to us.

Monday, October 12, 2015

what makes an effective introduction to a wiki article!

  1. It grabs reader’s attention.
  2. It clearly implies an organizational structure of the paper.
  3. Its choice of support is specific and relevant, and provides a clear, connected lead-in to paper’s main idea or thesis.
  4. Position is clearly stated or implied.
  5. It effectively includes one or more of the following strategies:  question


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Organization of Wikipedia article

The organization of my Wikipedia article is first what is a RN? Second I will talk about the many jobs that come with being a RN nurse . Third I will talk about how being a RN  has alter the then and the now.. Then last the requirements to become a RN nurse. 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Finding Humor In Strange Situations

So, one day me and my mom was out at breakfast at my favorite place crackle barrel. we had been there for about 30 mins  now. talking and laughing as usual when we go out together because we have to best mother & daughter  Relationship. we talk about everything like when I say everthing but back to our date.
    So once we got our food we started to eat then all of a sudden this guy walks up to our table and says "hello beautiful ladies " my mom said back "hello" while im looking at him like "YOU  SEE ME TRYING TO EAT"  So why are you at our table . but I keep eating my food and my mom gives me this face of  why u didn't speak . then he saying " im Ronald I just wanted to come over and talk to you" referring to my mom. Now I don't play about my mom like at all and when guys try to talk to her . my face looks like Image result for emojis So, my mom knows I hate this so she try's to tell him like no im MARRIED which she is and he just keeps trying like you don't get it the first time. but I guess he doesn't because he was still there WHILE IM TRYING TO EAT MY FRENCH TOAST. So , I kindly say " were together" as if my mom was my girlfriend . he says" ohh im sorry I didn't know " I said " yea I know you didn't but now you do so walk away" he leave and me and my mom bust out laughing and keep eating LOL.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Men vs. women streotypes

Well first let me say that men definitely stereotype women more than woman do . let me give you a example a guy is dating this girl but on the side he still talks to other girls . he tells his friends and his friends think its cool and its alright for him to do that . but if a girl is in a relationship with a guy and talks to other guys. its a problem and she called tramp or doing something she shouldn't . thats a stereotype . I feel if a guy can do it a girl can to plain and simple.