Wednesday, October 14, 2015

My favorite madea play!

my favorite play of all time is madea goes to jail: the play !!  I just wanted to say that Madea goes to Jail, is a very funny,thigh slapping, life changing play. It blessed my heart so much and I love the ad lib that Tyler perry did when he went out of character into his real self and then went right back into Madea. By far, this is Tyler perry's best play yet, the scratch of the surface, we have not seen anything yet, his best work his yet to come. He is such a gifted, talented actor, writer, producer, and Director, I thank God for his life because his plays and movies are life changing, there is always the underline theme in every play and movie, which is forgiveness. We should all forgive regardless of what has ever been done to us.


  1. I absolutely love this play as well! we have many talented people in this world! I know i couldn't do what Tyler Perry does.

  2. I like to watch meada. Tyler Perry too funny
