Monday, October 5, 2015

Finding Humor In Strange Situations

So, one day me and my mom was out at breakfast at my favorite place crackle barrel. we had been there for about 30 mins  now. talking and laughing as usual when we go out together because we have to best mother & daughter  Relationship. we talk about everything like when I say everthing but back to our date.
    So once we got our food we started to eat then all of a sudden this guy walks up to our table and says "hello beautiful ladies " my mom said back "hello" while im looking at him like "YOU  SEE ME TRYING TO EAT"  So why are you at our table . but I keep eating my food and my mom gives me this face of  why u didn't speak . then he saying " im Ronald I just wanted to come over and talk to you" referring to my mom. Now I don't play about my mom like at all and when guys try to talk to her . my face looks like Image result for emojis So, my mom knows I hate this so she try's to tell him like no im MARRIED which she is and he just keeps trying like you don't get it the first time. but I guess he doesn't because he was still there WHILE IM TRYING TO EAT MY FRENCH TOAST. So , I kindly say " were together" as if my mom was my girlfriend . he says" ohh im sorry I didn't know " I said " yea I know you didn't but now you do so walk away" he leave and me and my mom bust out laughing and keep eating LOL.


  1. Girl you so STUPID! But I know exactly how you felt though because I go through the same problems with mine. My mom is also my best friend and we talk about EVERYTHING! LITERALLY!

  2. Well that sounds like what we do all the time around campus lol " thats my girlfriend"


  4. haha..that sounds like something I would do. But you go girl! I don't play about my mama either!

  5. Lol you didn't want that French toast to get cold did you....

    1. Nope i didnt maybe if i want somewhere else i wouldnt have minded but i was at my fav place

  6. I haven't laughed all day , and this made me laugh until my stomach started hurting. Lol!

  7. omg. you are crazy lol . I could only imagine how that guy was looking
