Monday, December 5, 2016

Colleagues posts about what they have learned

Ashely Richardson leraned about the ancient and modern heroes, she also said" taking this course i have learned many things throughout this semester from modern and ancient heros to learning more about christanity" Jaylen pope said she learned aboout the same this as ashely . Mr.hamon has done as really good job a teaching us the fundamentals of World Literature

Sunday, December 4, 2016

the most impoetant thing i learned

The most important thing II learned from this class is more and acient times stoeies versus modern time stoeies . For example how much Emuna Elish and Gensis 1 was so similar but also had alot of differences. this class also taught me a more effective way to use Google docs. I use Google docs for every paper I write now

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Colleagues' post that chose a different character

Jaylen pope would compare hamlet to Gilgamesh. she said they are alike because they both were struggling with the lost of somebody close. she uses the quote " With which she followed my poor fathers body,like Niobe,all tears". Cassie Ingle wouldn't compare hamlet to anyone to any other charter because she thinks hamlet is very powerful and intriguing. I agree with them both in a sense that hamlet is very powerful and shouldn't be compared to anyone and he could sometimes be compared to Gilgamesh.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Hamlet to another character that we have read this term who is most like Hamlet.

Another character that would be similar to hamlet is gilgamesh because they both lose somebody close to them.gilgamesh lost his bestfriend "Endiku" and halmet lost his father . by losing these very close people in there lives made them start to question everything

Thursday, November 10, 2016

colleagues post

Jaylen thinks that hilary clinton has the most ethical standard because she seems to care about the people unlike donald trump only thinks of himself thats why he has situtioanl ethics. Malik Toomer says he would choose donald trump becuase he would rather be feared than loved so he wants them to trust the process

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Presidential Candidate

Hilary Clinton has the most ethical standard becuase she cares about the well being of america. Trump on the other hand is a very weak person he is only here to get himself in a higher postion to make our lives hell. alot of his speeches talk about Obama and how he can so call make america great again.even though Obama made more progress than any united states perisent every has. Soo donald trump would be the most situtional ethics.

Monday, October 31, 2016

presidentail candidates most lives up to the teachings of confucius

I don't believe that none of the presidential candidates live up to the confucious teaching. In confucious he to able to teach balance and how important it is in life.Donald Trump is not a ggood person in my opinion he doesn't have balance or harmony in his life at all. Hilary Cilton on the other hand has some what good blance in her life she is not very trustworthy but a way better person than trump.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Role of opposites in the Daodejing

The role of opposites in Daodejing is that opposites attracts. that has  been a true statement ever since I could remember . The chapter help us to grasp a understanding that things that are oppostite they still have the ability to balance one another. You cannot exist without the other ,an example of this is Water and Fire . You need water to put out fires . the water steals' heat from the fuel when evaporating, and thus lowers the temperature, making it more difficult or impossible for the fuel to burn. it is an endless cycle  

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Two of your colleagues' position about the war in Syria.

Alexius Carter felt that the U.S went to war to show their dedication. Jaylen Pope think america is the world police and that this country need to stay in our own business.  also she says that we put ourselves in the war dealing with the Syrian crisis . i feel like the war took place because they could not come to common ground and agree to one thing

Monday, October 10, 2016

addressing the justness of the US war in Syria

The war in Syria has been been going on for over 5 years. it has been a really hard fight between soldiers who support the president of Syria, Bashar Al-Assad but others feel he shouldn't have power anymore. our country is really bad at minding our own business. "Thus always chastening himself the yogi's mind,subdued,knows peace , whose farthest point is cession; thereafter, he abides in me (740)." when it comes to Syrian Crisis I think all war is unnecessary

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Change in yourself, becoming someone or something else.

 Every day I try to change for the better being more positive and learning better ways to speak my mind than to go off on somebody. the older i get the more information I learn. I never been the shy type since middle school I have always said whatever was on my mind and I never sugarcoat either. as I get older I am wiser too and I know that everybody cant handle the truth so the more I experience with people the better because I know you have to talk to everyone different. Ill always be myself and I wont change for nobody but myself

connections between Pygmalion and Ex Machina

Pymalion and Ex Machina are very similar in how both of the main characters fall in love with nonhuman things. the goal of Ex machina is to really see if the robot ava is really as smart as she think also a man falls in love with this robot created by man and for pygmalion is wanting to transform unpolished girl into a duchess and this man loves his statue that he sculpted. Although we know these objects don't have real emotions, throughout the play they start to show a little emotion either real or not.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

the tragic figure in the posts of 2 colleagues

Jaylen pope has not went through any tragic events in her life, but she told us that her aunt is suffering with breast cancer and its really taking a toll on her aunt and their family . she also told how her aunt need to move in with her grandmother to have that extra help and support for a love one. Thomas smith tragic story was that his cousin and one of his friend  was a part of a gang. his cousin was sentenced to 20 years in prison and his close friend was trying to start a new life but sadly he was shot because he didn't want to be apart of that life anymore.“Death must be so beautiful. To lie in the soft brown earth, with the grasses waving above one’s head, and listen to silence. To have no yesterday, and no to-morrow. To forget time, to forget life, to be at peace.”
—Oscar Wilde, The Canterville Ghost

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

tragic Story !

I am very thankful everyday i wake up and i am able to live another day of what we call life. god blesses me every time i am able to get in my car drive wherever and make it back safe and unharmed. the only tragic story that has recently happened to my godmother's cousin passed away she was driving on the high way and lost control of her car and the car went over the edge of a ramp. that has to be the saddest crazest thing i every heard .

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

my view on Enuma elish Wikipedia

Things i would add the this wiki topic would be the real meaning behind the seven tablets and they are trying to tell us . im going to use epic to add more about babylon just make it better  because Users may be reading information that is outdated or that has been posted by someone who is not an expert in the field or by someone who wishes to provide misinformation.

Friday, September 9, 2016

compare/contrast your definition of hero to 2 new colleagues

Hughes, Antoinette said Hillary Clinton would be the best candidate for America because She has a lot of heroic ways about herself. She willing to do what ever it takes to make America great. Malik toomer said Hillary Clinton is a hero because she  has been criticized as being a radical feminist who prefers the board room to the kitchen. he believes She is a very intelligent, strong-willed feminist. then he goes on and says She was the first student commencement speaker at Wellesley, part of the first wave of women to go to law school, a prominent partner in a major law firm, and rated one of the top 100 lawyers in the country etc. he was naming some of her academic accomplishments in my opinion to both of them Hillary Clinton is a OK person but i don't think neither her or Donald Trump are fit for the white house and everything that comes with it . just because she did went to law school and became partner that's all fine and dandy but that is nothing compared to running a whole country.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Why either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump are modern heroes

In my opinion i don't believe either one of them are heroes. they both have done messed up things and they don't have squeaky clean past. neither of them have done any things for our country. Donald trump so call wants to make america but at the same time insults the African- american race the most he has honestly done is donated tons of money to people and communities and money doesn't make you a hero.Hillary Clinton is very dishonest so you cant believe anything she says. in the end if i had to choose one i would choose Hillary because i feel he does in someway have America best interest at heart.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Colleagues views about the psychology of eroticism

Jaylen views on eroticism were that  back in the ancient times they used paintings, stories, and regarding the psychology of different characters. When  she read some of the poems I saw eroticism where it talks about lust, love, and fantasizing about someone looks. "My heart thirsts to see her beauty, as I am seated at home with her". Malik Toomer views on eroticism  were Pyramids, mummies, tombs, and other icons of aristocracy and the afterlife dominate our images of ancient Egypt. But love poems composed thousands of years ago may provide a more intimate glimpse of the lives of everyday ancient Egyptians.-The Great Richard parkison once said "Poetry is perhaps the greatest forgotten treasure of ancient Egypt" . In my opinion i think they are both right in their on way because it is some many ways to interpret poems  from ancient times. 

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

exploring the psychology of the various characters

Eroticism is a sexual desire or excitement. back in ancient  history they use a lot of different way to express the feeling of eroticism. poems ,songs etc .when i read some of the poems i seen eroticism right away in a way of lusting and wanting another person. "My heart bares itself instantly,
at the memory of your love.It does not let me walk like a person"

Monday, August 29, 2016

Colleagues views of creation

Jaylen Pope said:I think that creation is something that is created and coming to life. In biblical terms I believe that God created the earth, man, and animals. Evolution can also be consider as creation because some people believe that the earth form by natural processes. Creation can be interpreted by creating art by either music, painting, writing and more. Different cultures have different views on creation by creating there on mythical stories about how mankind was created or how the earth was formed. i agree with everything jaylen said we have some of the same views.
Adrian said:The bible states God created the earth, animals, and man. I think that creation is something that is created. Its something that all come together just like the world and how God created it. Many people may believe something different about the creation and how the world came about. 
i think the three of us  have the same exact views on the creation story of Adam and eve 

Sunday, August 28, 2016

view of creation

My view on creation is basically how we came about how man and women ,animals were created there's so many stories out you really never know which one to believe. but in my personal opinion i believe god created all things we know today .

Thursday, April 28, 2016

the most important thing youve learned in this class from literature

The most important thing I learned from this course is how to read between the line of a reading .  I use to just read it and go with what I got from it by just reading it the first time but now I actually can find the hidden messages in the reading and what the author really wants you to get from it. I believe this is a very useful thing to know how to do well because I will have to read thing for the rest of my 3 years here at Middle Georgia State University

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Comparing your post to two colleagues posts about women in mordern family life.

Ryan Phillips describes  the modern women as the back bone and that she was usually cooking, cleaning, and making sure everything was okay. "  Today women have the same power as men." I agree with this comment because in today's world we push for equality. Jaylen Pope describes the modern women as traditional and dependent "They took care of the kids, cook, clean, and were obligated to stay in bubble meaning they did not have a say or option".

Monday, April 25, 2016

Role of women in modern family life

In the earlier days women were seen as housewives who were intended to cook, clean,and take care of the
kids and nothing more. Women really stayed out of the limelight and their opinions were never heard or
considered.They were not allowed to vote while men took care of having jobs and paying any bills that
had to be taken care of. Women did not dare speak out about their feelings or their rights ,it was just not
heard of in those times period.Women were not as important as men then women were beaten on and
made to come when a man calls upon them.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

the plot of your favorite movie

The plot of my favorite movie which is the 1996 movie matlida is the Story of a wonderful little girl, who happens to be a genius, and her wonderful teacher vs. the worst parents ever and the worst school principal imaginable.Matilda is a bright little girl who is very eager to learn. Eventually, her insensitive parents send her to a school run by Miss (The) Trunchbull. She is a cruel authoritarian that loathes children. Matilda befriends her school teacher, Miss Honey. She soon realizes Matilda's talents, but is later amazed to see the full extent of Matilda's powers.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Setting of your favortie tv show and what the setting means for the show

My favorite show is martin!The setting of the show was in Detroit. I believe the setting represents the everyday life of a couple planning to spend there life's together and the situations they have to overcome.seeing that you truly never know someone until u lived with them. it also means they have to prove the doubters& the people that don't think they will last wrong.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

A metaphor that describes poetry

A metaphor is a comparison between two unlike things not using the word “like” or “as” to make the comparison .Metaphors are used in poetry to create different effects ,to create an image of comparison in your thoughts.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Metaphor In a Song Lyric

The Artist Rihanna made the song 'Needed me' the lyrics say
"I was good on my own, that's the way it was, that's the way it was," she sings. "You was good on the low for a faded fun, on some faded love / what are you complaining for? / Feeling jaded, huh? / Used to trip off that stuff I was kickin' to you / Had some fun on the run though I'll give it to you." she sets straight her sadly disillusioned suitor, some sad man who's apparently confused sex for love. which is a metaphor

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

responding to two colleagues post

Dimetri Carter explains how myths is a perception and how it explains the things that are unexplained. He read the poem " Hazel Tell LaVerne" which he explains that the frog is trying to become a prince, and the only way he can is by kissing the maid. i agree with him him in the theme being based on true love.
Jaylen explains how myths is a in the poem "Hazel Tell LaVerne" written by Katharyn Howd Machan is revised version of the princess frog. "Myths can be a window into a culture's deepest perceptions about itself because myths attempt to explain what otherwise seems unexplained and i agree with this as while because u can understand the story in different ways. 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

mythological elements

the poem i picked was phenomenal woman which is a poem about how strong women truly are.myths can be a window into a culture's deepest perceptions about itself because myths attempt to explain what otherwise seems unexplainable. this is explained in the poem the way maya says the woman carries herself

Saturday, March 5, 2016

2 colleagues favorite poems or lyrics

Jahai's favorite lyric is by Tupac. The song was,"The Rose That Grew From Concrete", and that it "is about having ambitions goals and reaching them despite the circumstances and conflicts we are faced". I also have heard this song and I understand why she likes it. It demonstrates how words are very meaning full and can encourage people to keep their heads up, even when times are rough.Songs like "The Rose That Grew From Concrete", gives people motivation & hope, 
Addisons favortie lyric is by Twenty-one Pilots. The song is called "Holding on to you". I love this lyric because it describes how people can change the way the feel about themselves. This particular lyric is very powerful to me because tons of people feel as though their mind "controls" them and that they have no power over what they can and cannot do. i never heard this song before but the way she talks about it i think it should be a good song

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

theme of your favorite poem !

I believe that the theme of phenomenal woman is how an average woman is still beautiful because of the way she carries herself. Its not because she looks like a model or walks like one. It's because she has soo much confidence and she has a good head on her shoulders. So when she walks around people can see that she is confident, graceful, and that she wont let anything bring down her pride in life. This is why she is so phenomenal.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Theme of my favorite movie

In the movie the movie Matilda, the theme is that even if you are younger than other's , if you set your mind to it you can do anything . as you watch the movie you can see Matilda achieving things right at the beginning that any other child may not be able to do . her biggest achievement was getting miss Trunchbull out of the school and made the school a better place for the other kids.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Post about two colleagues' symbols

Addison aka Tokyo her jacket as something very important for her she wears it because it reminds her of him and all the stories he had when he was in Japan. it gives her  a little bit of "hope" and keeps the faith it reminds her so much of her boyfriend who she does get to see as much . I think that is so sweet to have something to remember of that person who u do really see as much as you want

Marlon looks at his batman chain as a sign of empowerment , he said, "When I notice it on  my keys, I think to myself even someone average with the right skills can achieve remarkable things". I think that is very inspirational thing to say. I would have never thought that a character could do that for a person and mean so much for him

Something i wear everyday and what is symbolism

Symbolism is something that represents, stands for, or suggests an idea, belief, action, or entity! The object I wear that symbolizes something for me is the necklace my husband got me on Christmas this year he also got me this bracelet but I don't wear it as much as I do the necklace.I wear it every single day every where I go it means a lot to me because it came from him and he knows I love jewelry & I  love him  !!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Post about the setting in Hemingway's "Soldier's Home".

The setting in Hemingway's "Soldier's Home", is in Oklahoma. It takes place in the summer of 1919. in Krebs's home, who was returned home from France and Germany from fighting in WWI. he spends time in the house a lot. Krebs loves to read books at the local library . The rest of the story explains how Krebs just wants to relax during WWI.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

How the author's life in my Doc 1 affect the story?

Gail Godwin's author affects my story because it is based on her life in the past situations. In my story which is about a woman who is a housewife. the woman in "A Sorrowful Woman". The story represents hard times of woman in her time dealing with different roles trying to figure out what roles best fits for her. Just like in the story when the woman is trying variety of roles she is trying to fit in. The woman does things like hiring someone to do her work, dressing up in different costumes, and personalities."She is a full writer who has won grants, ( Godwin 39)". This is totally opposite than the character in the story which makes me believe that she is not representing this character based on people she knew  

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

What My Doc 1 Will be about

My story for document one was Godwin's "A Sorrowful Women". This story is about a woman that does not want to take her role as wife and mother. The woman begins to cut off any emotion and feelings she had towards her husband, son, and the outside world. The husband begin take care of her and  begins to do everything she asks. but the woman is still unsatisfied. The woman is depressed that she cannot find a role that she can be content with. She tried things like trying on different costumes and moving to the white room but she is still unsatisfied. In my document one I will discuss the different perspectives of how some people might view this story. Personally, I believe she was very selfish in this story because she didn't care about what her husband was really doing for her

Friday, January 22, 2016


My FAVORTIE movie tells the story of Matilda Wormwood (Mara Wilson), a gifted girl forced to put up with a crude, distant father (Danny DeVito) and mother (Rhea Perlman). Worse, Agatha Trunchbull (Pam Ferris), the evil principal at Matilda's school, is a terrifyingly strict bully. However, when Matilda realizes she has the power of telekinesis, she begins to defend her friends from Trunchbull's wrath and fight back against her unkind parents. this movie was released in August 2, 1996

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Introducing Of Me

Hello classmate Babies I call everybody my baby so ! My name is Monicia Andrews, but my friends just call me Nici or CoCo . I Want to become a register nurse with a specialization in radiology , so hopefully I make straight A's. I'm a really cool person with a very loud laugh but you learn to love it and I like R&B music! Love India Arie and Hip-hop. I love piercing! aka why I have so many.  I am a loud person and a person who loves to "turn up".  I speak my mind and whoever doesn't like what I say oh well because I am entitled to my opinion. I am a person who does not sugar co things at all and sometimes that's bad when it comes to somebodies feeling but hey I would rather them know the truth than get played or lied to . so with that being said that's all about me, I look forward to getting through this class with you guys and leaving out with A's.